Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In school speech, Obama says education key to country's future

It was a great idea for Obama to encourage students, but I think this also could potentially bring up a few issues for people who cannot afford school. Despite all the economical problems and increased debt due to student loans, Obama encourages all students to stay in school and keep studying. He says no matter what you plan on doing as a career, it will require you to have a high education. The more people who have an education will help make this country smarter and possibly more economically efficient.

Read Obama's speech to students here

There are a lot of people still out there who can have a better education, but they simply cannot afford it. There is pretty big margin of people who make just enough money to not be eligible for a government grant; thus, making us take out government or private loans. Last year, I earned about $20,000. This year, I remain job-less and not only do I not have a source of income, but I also have to pay for student loans. I don't mind the idea of student loans, but I think the policy for grant eligibility could be improved some. This way more students can be eligible which would lead to more people actually going to college.


cops arrest man over links to 9 slayings

A Milwaukee man that has been arrested for the slayings of nine women since 1986 has been charged with two counts of homicide with more charges expected to follow later this week.
Walter E. Ellis, 49, was taken into custody after a struggle at a motel on Saturday, days after police served a search warrant to obtain a DNA sample

Police said Ellis' DNA was found on the bodies of nine women who were killed between 1986 and 2007 on Milwaukee’s north side. Investigators believe eight of the women were prostitutes and one was a runaway. They ranged in age from 16 to 41. Each of the homicide charges carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.

I think it’s a good thing they caught this guy. I seen on the news the man made a comment that he was cleaning up the streets. Just seeing this makes you realize that there are really crazy people out there and you should take a little more precaution sometimes especially when you live in a big college state like us.

Emil Gilbert

Obama's Controversial Speech to Students

President Obama prepared a speech to share with students. This speech has been a very controversial issue. Some say it's a good idea to hear from their country's president about staying in school and working hard. But the critics say they oppose the idea of the president's speech because it's about what's wrong with the country and telling our children to fix it. Conservatives feel that the speech would be used as a Parisian political agenda. The speech was previously posted on the White House web site so people can read it before it was scheduled to broadcast today.

I feel like this is a wonderful idea and should have been done before. After reading the speech, I see no wrong in it or any harm that could come from it. The speech is very inspiring and motivatonal. The president is just saying what the parents, teacher, pastors and othe leaders should say. Students need that extra boost to put their best foot forth to make something out of themselves, and this country a better place.
Read the speech to see for yourself

Don't Text and Drive


The title of this post may seem like common sense to some people. In fact, many people may be rolling their eyes at me for posting it. Others will most likely shrug it off and not read it or read it with the burning question: "Why?". Hundreds of people, if not millions, use their phone while driving and while it is illegal in some places to talk on the phone while driving it may not be illegal to text while driving. Texting is just as big a problem as talking on the phone... as Nicholas Sparks found out.

Sparks was committing a double foul on the road. Two cell phones at the same time while driving. Texting with one and talking with the other. Quickly Mr. Sparks drove his tow truck into the back of another truck and then into a pool. New York does not have a law against texting in effect at this point in time, though there is one set to go in effect in November, so they can only arrest him with driving while speaking on the phone.

New York isn't alone in not having a full blown anti-texting law. In fact, only ten states do have one that effects all drivers. Eight other states have passed laws agaisnt texting but they have yet to go into effect. When they do a total of eighteen states will have laws against everyone texting while driving no matter the age or area. Some states currently have laws against doing it at a younger age or while in a school zone but this practice isn't fixing the problem at all and eighteen out of fifty is only around two-fifths of the total number.

Studies have recently begun to cover texting. The Transportation Institute at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University released findings that someone texting is twenty-three times more likely to crash than someone not hampered by a cell phone at all and four times more likely to crash than someone using a cell phone. I won't call this conclusive because there are many more studies to be had... I would, however, say that we're all better off finding something to unglue the phone from our hands while driving. If not for the safety of yourself then do it for the safety of those you may potentially kill. If you live in Utah you face fifteen years for killing someone while driving and texting. Pretty harsh... but maybe it's exactly what we need to finally get people to shut the phone off while on the road.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Told to shrink, Army National Guard is pickier

In this resection even the National Guard needs to make cuts. The National Guard is turning people away for being too over weight, speeding tickets, even having bad acne is a reason they are using saying they only want the cream of the crop. Military officials portray the cutbacks as an effort to trim excess from a Guard force and use your flaws to keep you out.

While the Pentagon has cut the National Guard by about 9,000 soldiers to 358,200 over the past six months the nearly 549,000-strong active-duty Army is under orders to recruit 70,000 new soldiers by the end of September and 22,000 more in the coming year.

I think this is just the government’s way to take the news away from the overseas expense and add it to are home expense. I think this will affect many people in a bad way. A lot of people use the National Guard as a way to get help for their education and in turn they donate one weekend a month and help out with big disasters. I think they should find a different way to budget and cut losses.

Emil Gilbert

Mother in Prison After Child Dies In Hot Car

In Augusta Georgia, 26 year old Lisa Morris left her 6 week old newborn son in a hot car for an hour. The car was estimated to have reached temperatures as high as 119 to 126 degrees so of course the baby died. Lisa Morris was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison and five years probation after she serves her time. Morris begs for mercy because she also has a five year old daughter at home. The judge says she can appeal at a later date but as for now the sentence stands. He also says leaving a child in a car not only results in death but prison time.


This is unfortunate case for both the children in this tory. The innocent child lost its life and the five year old lost it's mother. But it could have easily been avoid. What parent in their right mind leaves a six week old baby in the car for an hour, for any amount of time whether hot or not.

Discovery set to launch next week for space station

The space shuttle was arranged to take off Tuesday August 25th at 1:36 a.m. to the international space station for a mission. Seven astronauts were sent on a mission to bring equipment to the space station and to replace Timothy Kopra, as mission specialist, with Nicole Stott, who is a flight engineer. An External Resistance Treadmill, also known as Colbert, will be brought up to the space station as well. It was given to the space station by Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's " The Colbert Report" so the astronauts can receive some kind of excercise while in space.

This will be the 30th shuttle mission and the Discovery's 37th mission to the space station.

While in space, astronauts Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang will prepare for their moon walk by camping out in the Quest airlock. The Quest airlock gets the astronauts ready by "swapping ammonia tanks that helps keep the station cool" for them. A space walk plan was reviewed by fellow astronauts and they got together their spacesuits and tools they need for the mission.



It would be so amazing to go to the space station and witness how incredible it must be to see the earth and walk on the moon. The astronauts that go on these missions have had the chance of a lifetime to be able to be a part of something so incredible. If I was given the chance to go on the space shuttle, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Man goes from Hero to Hammer Wieldering Wife Killer

In Bryceville, Florida, Unfortunate event changed man from, Michael Ratley from a hero to a zero! Michael Rately was known as a hero for saving his two week old son and wife from their burning trailer. They otherwise would have died because the trailer burned to the ground. But I'm sure his wife would have rather died in the fire than her husband brutally smashing her skull with a hammer. Police found no motive. For this hideous crime he received 25 years to life with no possibility of parole. All his family say it's not him and murdering his wife let alone anybody is out of his character, but evidence shows otherwise! Even though Michael Ratley altered the scene to make it look like someone had came inside the house to murder his wife.


Anthing can happen in the blink of an eye who knows why this once loving family man had a change of heart to kill the woman he once loved so much. I believe this sentence was fair after brutally murdering his woman with their son in the house he deserves to die in prison.

Dogs in fatal attack rounded up, euthanized

In Lexington, Georgia, an older couple were attacked and killed by a group of dogs that lived in their area. Eleven grown dogs and five puppies were euthanized because of the killings of the Georgia couple. The dogs lived on an abandoned property down the road from where Lothar Schwedar and his wife Sherry lived. The owner of the dogs left because he was having health and money problems, but would go out to feed the dogs frequently.

Sherry Schwedar went for her morning walk on Saturday but met up with the dogs down the road at which point they jumped on her to knock her down and killed her. When she didn't return home, her husband went out looking for her. He found her laying in the middle of the road and got out of his car, trying to get the dogs away from her. The dogs jumped on him also to knock him down and they killed him as well.

Investigators believe that eye contact with the animals might have triggered them to attack her and act in such a way. They say that the animal might have felt threatened from the eye contact. The dogs were not big dogs that you would think couldn't do the amount of harm that was done, but there were a lot of them at once going at them.

All of the dogs were rounded up and were euthanized in about an hour and a half and then were cremated. The dogs were said to be maggot infested, which meant they were not well taken care of.


For this to happen to them in such a way is terrible to think about. The dogs should never have been left alone at the house. The owner should have put them in an animal shelter instead of leaving them to roam around. If that was the case, this couple would still be alive today. I'm just curious to know why the animals acted like that? What made them react that way towards the couple at two seperate times?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stranger Accused of Slapping A Crying Tot at Store

Your normal trip to Wal-Mart you wouldn't think you have to fear your child getting slapped by a stranger. In Georgia 61 year old, Roger Stephens, was arrested for slapping a crying little girl that apparently pushed him over the edge. He boldly told the child's mother that if she didn't shut the child up he would. After slapping the two year old girl four times he told the mother " I told you I would make her shut up!" The abusive man was charged with a felony, cruelty to a child.

This man is very bold most criminals commit their crime inconspicuously this man slapped a child in front of her mother. The story just makes you realize how safe are your children really, not only out of your sight but in your sight also!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When a parent goes to war, military kids grow up fast

Teenagers whose parents are in the military feel the need to step up and fill the space as their mom or dad to help raise their brothers and/or sisters. They feel that they need to get a job to help bring the extra money in to help support their family."According to the Department of Defense, over 30,000 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18 have at least one parent in the military."A lot of the teenagers really don't have a choice but to step up and take care of their younger siblings because the kids need someone there to comfort them and to help them with the day to day activities.The families of the military soldiers expected them to help with "domestic disasters" instead of being at war for so long.With the parent getting deployed for long perids of time, the National Guard is not exactly sure of the effect it is having on their children. Some studies have proven that the absense of a military parent "can cause a child to become upset, angry and the feeling of wanting to be alone."


Older siblings feel that they have a responsibility to take care of their younger brothers or sisters. It's not just with military families that this happens, it's with families across the United States whenever a parent is not around. The younger sibling, out of instinct, looks up to their big brother or sister for help, always.

A New Life Comes Into the World As Mothers' Exits

In Albany Medical Center family waits for birth of Diane McCabe's second child. She went to the hospital thinking she was going to have a normal vaginal delivery but instead after 10 hours of labor her obstetrician thought a cesarean would be best. After having her uterine arteries cut and torn during the surgery, she began internally bleeding. Her obstetrician and midwife present argued over how to treat her and sadly she wasn't treated fast enough either way and bled to death. She lost three quarts of blood, which is 60% of total volume of the blood in her body. Her family is pursuing a lawsuit of the hospital, for they believe it was a wrongful death and doctors killed their loved one. The hospital says that no wrongdoing took place.


This story hits very close to home, to close for comfort actually. I feel so bad for the family who grieves over their lost. Unfortunately being in a similar situation after giving birth to my son I lost a great amount of blood and had to recieve two quarts of blood through an iv. Im just happy that I'm still here today and it's not my family grieving. It just also makes me thankful for donor who give blood making it accesible in times of neeed. But back to this sad case I believe there is more to this story something should have been done to save her life and her family should be paid for their lost, even though unfortunately it won't bring back Diane McCabe. MAY HER SOUL R.I.P!

Couple faces 29 felony counts, life in jail in kidnapping

In Antioch, California, 11 year old Jaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped in 1991 while she was waiting for the school bus in the early morning. Two suspects, Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy Garrido were arrested and are facing 29 felony charges. A few of the charges include "kidnapping someone under 14 years old, kidnapping for sexual purposes, forcible rape and forcible lewd acts on a child."

Jaycee Lee Dugard has been held as a prisoner for 18 years is a shed in Phillip's backyard that he put a bathroom, shower, and ran extension cords for electricity. During those years he raped her and got her pregnant with two girls that were born in the shed and they lived in there with her and have never seen a doctor. The girls are 15 and 11 years old now and they have no education and no knowledge of anything other than the life they have lived in that shed.

Phillip Garrido is a registered sex offender and spent time in prison where he met is current wife Nancy. On November 30, 2006, a California sheriff responded to a 911 call that was made claiming a woman and two children lived in his back yard.

The sheriff did not have the knowledge that Phillip was a sex offender so he believed that no crime was committed and he did not push the issue to look in the back yard after their conversation in the front yard.After Jaycee finally reunited with her family, her step father, Carl Probyn says that Jaycee's life for these past 18 years have been extremely rough, for them as well, but the past couple of days have been good.

Police Cites Angry Mother for Potty Mouth!

Police say he cited an Indiana mother, Tammy Kay Cronan Smith, for disorderly conduct. She was leaving local video store and directing foul language to her daughter. People on the scene say they were very concerned and annoyed because of how loudly she was yelling profanities. The angry mom told police she was angry because her daughter had falsely accused her sister of stealing gum from inside the store. But then she told reporters she was not directing the profanity at her child but at an adult friend who had angered her. But all in all she feels she did nothing wrong.


This story can be very controversial. I believe if the woman was indeed cited for disordley conduct then that was appropriate for her loud public display. But if cited for her foul mouth at her child then that violate her 1st admendment right. I think people should just leave their private matters private and this could have been avoided.

Michael Jackson hoax was 'experiment,' broadcaster says

Michael Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, has sparked a lot of controversy. Many people believe he is living elsewhere. YouTube hosts a video contributed by the user "michaeljacksonhoax" that contains footage which makes it seem as if Michael Jackson was alive. More than 880,000 people have clicked on the link to view the video only to find out it was nothing more than a clever hoax.

If you look closely, it does look like MJ, but then again theres no significant evidence to prove that it is him. I think Michael Jackson has had more than enough time in the spotlight. If he is alive, it's probably because he wanted to get away from all the critisism. He went through a lot as a kid and left him with scars for life. If he has passed away, then let him rest in peace. If he is alive, I think people should leave him alone and just think about the things he has been through. MJ came a long way from where he used to be, and I think he deservers some credit for that.

Click here to view the video directly on YouTube.


New flu hit estimated 10 percent of New Yorkers

The new H1n1 is estimated to have infected about 800,000 people in New York City in the spring of 2009.Swine flu has infected over 1 million people in the United States, and now the CDC's No. 1 priority. Research also shows that older children, young adults, and pregnant women are most likely to be infected by H1Ni .The virus is still circulating, and leading officials feel it will reappear in the northern hemispheres in the fall, once the temperatures begin to fall.World Health Organization said people with asthma, heart diseases and even diabetes are at special risk of severe complications of death from H1N1.And some countries are reporting that 15 percent of patients hospitalized with the new strain of H1N1 needed to be put intensive care, Further draining the health care systems. So what can we do to protect ourselves???? Continuously wash your hands, and stay protected with vaccines.


California wildfire more than doubles on sixth day

In Los Angeles, a fire which started last Wednesday is now to the point of now return. It's been burning for six days now, and even causing firefighters to retreat on Monday. With 71 houses already destroyed, another 6,300 homes were told they needed to be evacuated. This fire has engulfed over 105,000 acres, up from 42,000 acres late on Sunday. Out of the 2,600 firefighter fighting the blaze only two have been killed, by this monster. Officials don't think the blaze will be contained until September 15, due to the harsh weather conditions. High temperatures with low humidity has helped energize the fire even more.Rescue teams had to save five people who were trapped in the forest after they disregarded evacuation orders.For some students the first day of class were canceled due to heavy smoke. Even though officials are doing everything they can do, it's unsafe for them to be there when the fire hits.


The invisible parent in your car...


'We wanted a way for the parent to be in the car with the kid without being there'. Paraphrases what Andrew Sarkisian says about the latest advancement in Ford's safety. A special key that can limit what your child does in the car. How much can it change their driving? Well, if your child is anything like my family, they'll buckle up when the radio ceases to function until having done so. Afraid your child is racing at break-neck speeds? Well the car can only go up to 80mph while the Mkey is inside! After Sarkisian's eldest daughter was in two rollover accidents he came up with this idea to make driving safer for teens.

Statistics show that teens tend to get into an accident within one year after starting to drive. The Mkey provides better safety of mind for some parents. But no matter what, you have to have someone who knows what they're doing in control. Safety feature after safety feature can't force you to make good decisions but it can help.

Any teen driving to college can relate to this. What if your parent got you a car with this key? Do you think it would help you or just get on your nerves? Personally, if it makes the roads more safe then I'm all for it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

John schools' try to change attitudes about paid sex

Prostitution has been a big issue for quite some time now. Now there is an institution called John Schools which are for men who get caught hiring prostitutes. The majority of the people attending were average people who have never committed a crime in the past. The main idea of this program is pretty much based on supply and demand. If men don't buy sex, then women will stop selling it. For the most part they believe it will work out. There are some women who actually support prostitution and they are a part of an organization which tries to have it legalized. It was denied in the court room very quickly without a chance of it ever been legalized. Some people also believe sending men to John Schools is a mere slap on the wrist, and they believe it may lead to business. I believe this program will be a success, but I think that also they should be punished for longer than the current sentence. Maybe sitting in the jail sell will get them to start thinking about what they did and how it affected their loved ones.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Police Impersonator

In the small town of Hudson a man is going around pretending to be a police. So far he has stopped three victims. All three state that he didn't cause any harm or behave in an aggressive behavior. The police are investigating the situation to stop this man before he does cause any danger. There's evidently a reason behind him portraying to be a alleged police officer. The three victims stopped by this pretend "undercover police" were all young other than that there are no similarities between them suggesting that he is looking for anyone in particular. Police say if ever you have doubt, you do stop, but call 911. Nowadays you can never be to sure, this impersonator even had a uniform and unmarked patrol car!


Scary to think next time you get pulled over it may not even be by a real police officer! Just be sure to watch out for anything that might look suspicious or out of the ordinary.

CIA memo details procedures for breaking detainees

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was named a special prosecutor to probe Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) prisoner abuse cases on Monday. His discussion came after the justice departments watch dogs recommended prosecution for CIA employees and other contractors that were involved in the interrogations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The claim is that persons involved went beyond their approved limits while interrogating. According to the agencies memo the techniques use by the CIA consisted of sleep deprivation, insult slaps, dousing with water, strapping them to walls, and slamming the detainee's head against a wall(http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090826/pl_nm/us_usa_cia_interrogations)
While these where effective ways to gather information these people are still under fire, most just doing as they were told. I think this is unfair. We are supposed to be the good guys. Nobody should be penalized for doing their job they were hired to do then prosecute them for being too good at it. Have this justice Department forgot that these detainees are the same terrorist we are shooting and bombing those detainees should be happy to even be alive. If these detainees just gave up what they knew there wouldn’t even be a need for any of those harsh techniques. This CIA employee’s where doing their job so we can be safe.
Emil Gilbert

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctors Forget To Send Test Results To Patients?

Source: MSNBC

A new study, by Dr. Lawrence Casalino, reveals that one out of fourteen test results, that reveal something unnatural, are forgotten and the patient never hears the information. The study checked 23 practices across the country and 5,434 of the patient records they have. Some practices were spot on, without a blemish on their record, while others were as bad as to forget to inform a patient one-fourth of the time. The study shows that practices that use computers are more likely to forget than those that use paper and any using a hybrid of the two is even more likely to forget.

The article lists several ways to stay on track of your health records. It tells us to not wait for results too long, not accept "no news is good news", and not to believe that computers make the practice unfailable. Very good advice. You will benefit from making sure that you get your health information properly. Don't hold out and don't accept a lack of news as good. Remember, it's your life that could be on the line.

FBI puts suspects Face on billboard

The FBI is searching for a suspect that has robbed over ten banks across the south. His bank robberies have spread more than 600 miles north from Charleston, NC to Louisville, KY, and about 500 miles east from Knoxville, TN to Edenton, NC. This is a very unique type of situation. The man robbing the banks does not bother to cover up his face or hide his tattoos. The FBI are hoping to catch this man by putting up his pictures all over electronic billboards in the south. The robber has not yet used the gun or harmed anyone but threatens that he will. He has placed the gun in numerous tellers faces. His last bank robbery took place in Tennessee. The suspect is described as a white male about 25 years old between 5'9 and 5'11 tattoos he also has short brownish red hair and has a unshaven goatee. The FBI asked if anyone has seen this man to please call 423-282-8090.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

59 Shots To Kill One Man...


Alonzo Heyward, a thirty-two year old man, was shot to death by fifty-nine bullets, forty-three hitting their mark, by Tennessee cops after carrying a rifle around his neighborhood while proclaiming suicidal thoughts. Civil Rights leaders are concerned that excessive force was used despite claims that the officers acted correctly. Some of Heyward's relatives claim that he was lying on top of the rifle on the porch when the shooting took place.

Heyward was drunk during the incident and his relatives believe he wasn't serious about wanting to die. Alonzo's brother, James Heyward, claims that he was also upset about not being able to see his children. Witnesses, Heyward's neighbor and his girlfriend, claim he asked why they were shooting him between shots. This cannot be heard on the recording of the event that the police have.

Six cops and fifty-nine shots. Is this excessive force? District Attorney Bill Cox is waiting for the TBI report before pursuing any charges. Excessive force is a potential problem all over the U.S. It's a shame that it can't be stopped entirely.

Print Magazine Jumping to Video

In the September 18th issue of Entertainment Weekly will have ads with embedded video. CBS and PepsiCo will have true video T.V. ads in the issue of Entertainment Weekly. The video player will be embedded into the page.Only New York and L.A. subscribers will receive the issues with the technology.
The technology for the battery-powered ads was manufactured by a Los Angeles based Americhip. The player can handle about 40 minutes of video,the screen is 2.7 millimeters thick, and has a 320x240 resolution.The battery can last over a hour long and can be recharged.
Only time will tell if this can help or hurt print magazines.In a time when newspapers going bankrupt and losing revenue and subsribers and print magazines not to far behind. Will we have magazines with no real print? http://www.nbc-2.com/Global/story.asp?s=10961807&clienttype=printablehttp://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10313064-93.html

Saturday mail gone?

U.S. Postal Service claim it will lose $7 billion this year. This year alone, Americans have mailed 20 billion fewer items than last year. According to the Postmaster General there may be a chance you will lose Saturday mail. Well, not lose it, but you will be receiving it on other days. John Potter has officially asked Congress to get rid of the delivery of Saturday mail. This could affect billions of Americans who love there morning Saturday paper or just a friendly letter from a family member. Many people believe e-mail is responsible for the dramatic decrease in mail items being sent on Saturdays. Whether or not they will cancel Saturday mail remains uncertain. For now, take advantage of it because there is a possibility it will be gone soon.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

IBM sees future of microchips in DNA

Microchips of the future is what they say these chips are. Now they have figured out a way to make the chips much smaller and denser, than the chips used today. This way electronics can be made for the future. The "DNA Origami" is allows for the chip to be as small as 6 nanometers and increase the storage space as well as more powerful. They want to produce the chip so that it costs less to make it. Even though its going to take about ten more years before the chip becomes available its seems like it's already a start to future technology. It may be a plus, to produce this chip, smaller and lighter, that's the goal to be able to fit most things in the palm of your hand or in your pocket.


Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest

In Phoenix, people protested outside a convention center that president Obama was speaking. About a dozen people that attended this protest where carrying handguns. One man that attended actually had a semi automatic rifle hanging over his shoulder. Gun-rights advocates that were protesting say they're exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest, while those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.
Arizona is an open-carry state, which means anyone legally allowed to have a firearm can carry one in public as long as it's visible. Only someone who is carrying a concealed weapon must be required to have a permit. Since nobody broke this law there or needed permits no crime was committed so no arrest were made.
Police were on standby not only to make sure President Obama and the citizens were safe, but they were also there to make sure that the protestors themselves remained unharmed as people where upset that the protesters would be able to come that close to the President with guns. Especially the man with the High powered assault rifle. The man carrying the rifle was asked why he would bring the rifle there is answer was “because I can”. (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090817/ap_on_re_us/us_obama_protesters_guns)
I think that that your civil rights are a very important thing but at the same time there should be boundaries. I’m sort of glad Florida does not condone these same laws as Arizona. I know Guns are used for protection but way more innocent seem to be hurt by them. I don’t want to live in a state were just anybody could walk up into a school or any kind of function carrying a gun but it being ok because there carrying it in their hands. I would give up that right for safety hands down.
Emil Gilbert

Judge on trial after refusing to accept death row appeal

Judge Sharon Keller refusal to accept last minute filling to delay execution now has the shoe on the other foot. She is now on trial! She didn't follow the courts execution day procedures. Thus denying Michael Wayne Ricards access to open courts and rights to be heard. Around 4:40 Richards attorneys called asking for permission to turn in last minute emergency paperwork a couple minutes after 5 ( the closing time of clerks office). She replied no. On Keller's behalf she states that she was asked did the office stay open past 5pm. She knew on execution days pleading appeals have been filled after hours. Two other judges say they were willing to work late that night but were unaware that that Keller had already said no. To justify her accusation she recounts that Michael Richards was convicted of sexual assault and murder. Does that make it right?


Scholarships available for parents going back to school

Many parents would love to go back to college and get a degree but are worried that they do no have the time or money to do so. Even when they find that they do have the time they realize that they cannot afford college.
A women named Ann Marie Casey-Ulery 25 always wanted a college degree. She had to put her dreams on hold because she was having to play mommy and daddy to her 2 year old and 7 year old. Her husband was deployed to Iraq so for the past two years she has had her hands full. Casey like many other working parents finally found the time to go back to college but the funds just were not there. She applied for a scholarship called Project Working Moms.... and Dads Too!! Which she received for an online college. She is now taking online classes at Everest University and majoring in accounting.
The recipients of this scholarship received over $4 million in the last Project of Working Mom campaigns. There most recent campaign began on May 1 where they gave away $4,000 scholarships for the first 10,000 entries and this will continue through out the year.
You can apply today for the Project Working Moms....and Dads Too! scholarship online at www.ProjectWorkingMom.com.