Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New flu hit estimated 10 percent of New Yorkers

The new H1n1 is estimated to have infected about 800,000 people in New York City in the spring of 2009.Swine flu has infected over 1 million people in the United States, and now the CDC's No. 1 priority. Research also shows that older children, young adults, and pregnant women are most likely to be infected by H1Ni .The virus is still circulating, and leading officials feel it will reappear in the northern hemispheres in the fall, once the temperatures begin to fall.World Health Organization said people with asthma, heart diseases and even diabetes are at special risk of severe complications of death from H1N1.And some countries are reporting that 15 percent of patients hospitalized with the new strain of H1N1 needed to be put intensive care, Further draining the health care systems. So what can we do to protect ourselves???? Continuously wash your hands, and stay protected with vaccines.


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