Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama's Controversial Speech to Students

President Obama prepared a speech to share with students. This speech has been a very controversial issue. Some say it's a good idea to hear from their country's president about staying in school and working hard. But the critics say they oppose the idea of the president's speech because it's about what's wrong with the country and telling our children to fix it. Conservatives feel that the speech would be used as a Parisian political agenda. The speech was previously posted on the White House web site so people can read it before it was scheduled to broadcast today.

I feel like this is a wonderful idea and should have been done before. After reading the speech, I see no wrong in it or any harm that could come from it. The speech is very inspiring and motivatonal. The president is just saying what the parents, teacher, pastors and othe leaders should say. Students need that extra boost to put their best foot forth to make something out of themselves, and this country a better place.
Read the speech to see for yourself

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