Thursday, September 3, 2009

Discovery set to launch next week for space station

The space shuttle was arranged to take off Tuesday August 25th at 1:36 a.m. to the international space station for a mission. Seven astronauts were sent on a mission to bring equipment to the space station and to replace Timothy Kopra, as mission specialist, with Nicole Stott, who is a flight engineer. An External Resistance Treadmill, also known as Colbert, will be brought up to the space station as well. It was given to the space station by Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's " The Colbert Report" so the astronauts can receive some kind of excercise while in space.

This will be the 30th shuttle mission and the Discovery's 37th mission to the space station.

While in space, astronauts Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang will prepare for their moon walk by camping out in the Quest airlock. The Quest airlock gets the astronauts ready by "swapping ammonia tanks that helps keep the station cool" for them. A space walk plan was reviewed by fellow astronauts and they got together their spacesuits and tools they need for the mission.

It would be so amazing to go to the space station and witness how incredible it must be to see the earth and walk on the moon. The astronauts that go on these missions have had the chance of a lifetime to be able to be a part of something so incredible. If I was given the chance to go on the space shuttle, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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