Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Couple faces 29 felony counts, life in jail in kidnapping

In Antioch, California, 11 year old Jaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped in 1991 while she was waiting for the school bus in the early morning. Two suspects, Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy Garrido were arrested and are facing 29 felony charges. A few of the charges include "kidnapping someone under 14 years old, kidnapping for sexual purposes, forcible rape and forcible lewd acts on a child."

Jaycee Lee Dugard has been held as a prisoner for 18 years is a shed in Phillip's backyard that he put a bathroom, shower, and ran extension cords for electricity. During those years he raped her and got her pregnant with two girls that were born in the shed and they lived in there with her and have never seen a doctor. The girls are 15 and 11 years old now and they have no education and no knowledge of anything other than the life they have lived in that shed.

Phillip Garrido is a registered sex offender and spent time in prison where he met is current wife Nancy. On November 30, 2006, a California sheriff responded to a 911 call that was made claiming a woman and two children lived in his back yard.

The sheriff did not have the knowledge that Phillip was a sex offender so he believed that no crime was committed and he did not push the issue to look in the back yard after their conversation in the front yard.After Jaycee finally reunited with her family, her step father, Carl Probyn says that Jaycee's life for these past 18 years have been extremely rough, for them as well, but the past couple of days have been good.

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