Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mother in Prison After Child Dies In Hot Car

In Augusta Georgia, 26 year old Lisa Morris left her 6 week old newborn son in a hot car for an hour. The car was estimated to have reached temperatures as high as 119 to 126 degrees so of course the baby died. Lisa Morris was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison and five years probation after she serves her time. Morris begs for mercy because she also has a five year old daughter at home. The judge says she can appeal at a later date but as for now the sentence stands. He also says leaving a child in a car not only results in death but prison time.

This is unfortunate case for both the children in this tory. The innocent child lost its life and the five year old lost it's mother. But it could have easily been avoid. What parent in their right mind leaves a six week old baby in the car for an hour, for any amount of time whether hot or not.

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