Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Michael Jackson hoax was 'experiment,' broadcaster says

Michael Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, has sparked a lot of controversy. Many people believe he is living elsewhere. YouTube hosts a video contributed by the user "michaeljacksonhoax" that contains footage which makes it seem as if Michael Jackson was alive. More than 880,000 people have clicked on the link to view the video only to find out it was nothing more than a clever hoax.

If you look closely, it does look like MJ, but then again theres no significant evidence to prove that it is him. I think Michael Jackson has had more than enough time in the spotlight. If he is alive, it's probably because he wanted to get away from all the critisism. He went through a lot as a kid and left him with scars for life. If he has passed away, then let him rest in peace. If he is alive, I think people should leave him alone and just think about the things he has been through. MJ came a long way from where he used to be, and I think he deservers some credit for that.

Click here to view the video directly on YouTube.


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