Thursday, September 3, 2009

Told to shrink, Army National Guard is pickier

In this resection even the National Guard needs to make cuts. The National Guard is turning people away for being too over weight, speeding tickets, even having bad acne is a reason they are using saying they only want the cream of the crop. Military officials portray the cutbacks as an effort to trim excess from a Guard force and use your flaws to keep you out.

While the Pentagon has cut the National Guard by about 9,000 soldiers to 358,200 over the past six months the nearly 549,000-strong active-duty Army is under orders to recruit 70,000 new soldiers by the end of September and 22,000 more in the coming year.

I think this is just the government’s way to take the news away from the overseas expense and add it to are home expense. I think this will affect many people in a bad way. A lot of people use the National Guard as a way to get help for their education and in turn they donate one weekend a month and help out with big disasters. I think they should find a different way to budget and cut losses.

Emil Gilbert

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