Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stranger Accused of Slapping A Crying Tot at Store

Your normal trip to Wal-Mart you wouldn't think you have to fear your child getting slapped by a stranger. In Georgia 61 year old, Roger Stephens, was arrested for slapping a crying little girl that apparently pushed him over the edge. He boldly told the child's mother that if she didn't shut the child up he would. After slapping the two year old girl four times he told the mother " I told you I would make her shut up!" The abusive man was charged with a felony, cruelty to a child.
This man is very bold most criminals commit their crime inconspicuously this man slapped a child in front of her mother. The story just makes you realize how safe are your children really, not only out of your sight but in your sight also!

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