Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The invisible parent in your car...


'We wanted a way for the parent to be in the car with the kid without being there'. Paraphrases what Andrew Sarkisian says about the latest advancement in Ford's safety. A special key that can limit what your child does in the car. How much can it change their driving? Well, if your child is anything like my family, they'll buckle up when the radio ceases to function until having done so. Afraid your child is racing at break-neck speeds? Well the car can only go up to 80mph while the Mkey is inside! After Sarkisian's eldest daughter was in two rollover accidents he came up with this idea to make driving safer for teens.

Statistics show that teens tend to get into an accident within one year after starting to drive. The Mkey provides better safety of mind for some parents. But no matter what, you have to have someone who knows what they're doing in control. Safety feature after safety feature can't force you to make good decisions but it can help.

Any teen driving to college can relate to this. What if your parent got you a car with this key? Do you think it would help you or just get on your nerves? Personally, if it makes the roads more safe then I'm all for it.

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