Friday, August 28, 2009

John schools' try to change attitudes about paid sex

Prostitution has been a big issue for quite some time now. Now there is an institution called John Schools which are for men who get caught hiring prostitutes. The majority of the people attending were average people who have never committed a crime in the past. The main idea of this program is pretty much based on supply and demand. If men don't buy sex, then women will stop selling it. For the most part they believe it will work out. There are some women who actually support prostitution and they are a part of an organization which tries to have it legalized. It was denied in the court room very quickly without a chance of it ever been legalized. Some people also believe sending men to John Schools is a mere slap on the wrist, and they believe it may lead to business. I believe this program will be a success, but I think that also they should be punished for longer than the current sentence. Maybe sitting in the jail sell will get them to start thinking about what they did and how it affected their loved ones.


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