Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Police Impersonator

In the small town of Hudson a man is going around pretending to be a police. So far he has stopped three victims. All three state that he didn't cause any harm or behave in an aggressive behavior. The police are investigating the situation to stop this man before he does cause any danger. There's evidently a reason behind him portraying to be a alleged police officer. The three victims stopped by this pretend "undercover police" were all young other than that there are no similarities between them suggesting that he is looking for anyone in particular. Police say if ever you have doubt, you do stop, but call 911. Nowadays you can never be to sure, this impersonator even had a uniform and unmarked patrol car!

Scary to think next time you get pulled over it may not even be by a real police officer! Just be sure to watch out for anything that might look suspicious or out of the ordinary.

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