Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Scholarships available for parents going back to school

Many parents would love to go back to college and get a degree but are worried that they do no have the time or money to do so. Even when they find that they do have the time they realize that they cannot afford college.
A women named Ann Marie Casey-Ulery 25 always wanted a college degree. She had to put her dreams on hold because she was having to play mommy and daddy to her 2 year old and 7 year old. Her husband was deployed to Iraq so for the past two years she has had her hands full. Casey like many other working parents finally found the time to go back to college but the funds just were not there. She applied for a scholarship called Project Working Moms.... and Dads Too!! Which she received for an online college. She is now taking online classes at Everest University and majoring in accounting.
The recipients of this scholarship received over $4 million in the last Project of Working Mom campaigns. There most recent campaign began on May 1 where they gave away $4,000 scholarships for the first 10,000 entries and this will continue through out the year.
You can apply today for the Project Working Moms....and Dads Too! scholarship online at www.ProjectWorkingMom.com.

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