Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Judge on trial after refusing to accept death row appeal

Judge Sharon Keller refusal to accept last minute filling to delay execution now has the shoe on the other foot. She is now on trial! She didn't follow the courts execution day procedures. Thus denying Michael Wayne Ricards access to open courts and rights to be heard. Around 4:40 Richards attorneys called asking for permission to turn in last minute emergency paperwork a couple minutes after 5 ( the closing time of clerks office). She replied no. On Keller's behalf she states that she was asked did the office stay open past 5pm. She knew on execution days pleading appeals have been filled after hours. Two other judges say they were willing to work late that night but were unaware that that Keller had already said no. To justify her accusation she recounts that Michael Richards was convicted of sexual assault and murder. Does that make it right?


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