Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctors Forget To Send Test Results To Patients?

Source: MSNBC

A new study, by Dr. Lawrence Casalino, reveals that one out of fourteen test results, that reveal something unnatural, are forgotten and the patient never hears the information. The study checked 23 practices across the country and 5,434 of the patient records they have. Some practices were spot on, without a blemish on their record, while others were as bad as to forget to inform a patient one-fourth of the time. The study shows that practices that use computers are more likely to forget than those that use paper and any using a hybrid of the two is even more likely to forget.

The article lists several ways to stay on track of your health records. It tells us to not wait for results too long, not accept "no news is good news", and not to believe that computers make the practice unfailable. Very good advice. You will benefit from making sure that you get your health information properly. Don't hold out and don't accept a lack of news as good. Remember, it's your life that could be on the line.

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