Thursday, August 20, 2009

59 Shots To Kill One Man...


Alonzo Heyward, a thirty-two year old man, was shot to death by fifty-nine bullets, forty-three hitting their mark, by Tennessee cops after carrying a rifle around his neighborhood while proclaiming suicidal thoughts. Civil Rights leaders are concerned that excessive force was used despite claims that the officers acted correctly. Some of Heyward's relatives claim that he was lying on top of the rifle on the porch when the shooting took place.

Heyward was drunk during the incident and his relatives believe he wasn't serious about wanting to die. Alonzo's brother, James Heyward, claims that he was also upset about not being able to see his children. Witnesses, Heyward's neighbor and his girlfriend, claim he asked why they were shooting him between shots. This cannot be heard on the recording of the event that the police have.

Six cops and fifty-nine shots. Is this excessive force? District Attorney Bill Cox is waiting for the TBI report before pursuing any charges. Excessive force is a potential problem all over the U.S. It's a shame that it can't be stopped entirely.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This story sickens me. It’s not right and those officers’ actions should have consequences to them. I feel that no matter what the situation was, 59 shots were unnecessary. It should be looked into what REALLY caused the officers to feel 59 shots to a single man were appropriate. Why couldn’t the man be tased if they needed to detain him? How can they justify taking a man’s life. I feel it was a hate crime, and just like all other crimes this crime need consequences!
