Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dogs in fatal attack rounded up, euthanized

In Lexington, Georgia, an older couple were attacked and killed by a group of dogs that lived in their area. Eleven grown dogs and five puppies were euthanized because of the killings of the Georgia couple. The dogs lived on an abandoned property down the road from where Lothar Schwedar and his wife Sherry lived. The owner of the dogs left because he was having health and money problems, but would go out to feed the dogs frequently.

Sherry Schwedar went for her morning walk on Saturday but met up with the dogs down the road at which point they jumped on her to knock her down and killed her. When she didn't return home, her husband went out looking for her. He found her laying in the middle of the road and got out of his car, trying to get the dogs away from her. The dogs jumped on him also to knock him down and they killed him as well.

Investigators believe that eye contact with the animals might have triggered them to attack her and act in such a way. They say that the animal might have felt threatened from the eye contact. The dogs were not big dogs that you would think couldn't do the amount of harm that was done, but there were a lot of them at once going at them.

All of the dogs were rounded up and were euthanized in about an hour and a half and then were cremated. The dogs were said to be maggot infested, which meant they were not well taken care of.

For this to happen to them in such a way is terrible to think about. The dogs should never have been left alone at the house. The owner should have put them in an animal shelter instead of leaving them to roam around. If that was the case, this couple would still be alive today. I'm just curious to know why the animals acted like that? What made them react that way towards the couple at two seperate times?

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