Friday, August 28, 2009

John schools' try to change attitudes about paid sex

Prostitution has been a big issue for quite some time now. Now there is an institution called John Schools which are for men who get caught hiring prostitutes. The majority of the people attending were average people who have never committed a crime in the past. The main idea of this program is pretty much based on supply and demand. If men don't buy sex, then women will stop selling it. For the most part they believe it will work out. There are some women who actually support prostitution and they are a part of an organization which tries to have it legalized. It was denied in the court room very quickly without a chance of it ever been legalized. Some people also believe sending men to John Schools is a mere slap on the wrist, and they believe it may lead to business. I believe this program will be a success, but I think that also they should be punished for longer than the current sentence. Maybe sitting in the jail sell will get them to start thinking about what they did and how it affected their loved ones.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Police Impersonator

In the small town of Hudson a man is going around pretending to be a police. So far he has stopped three victims. All three state that he didn't cause any harm or behave in an aggressive behavior. The police are investigating the situation to stop this man before he does cause any danger. There's evidently a reason behind him portraying to be a alleged police officer. The three victims stopped by this pretend "undercover police" were all young other than that there are no similarities between them suggesting that he is looking for anyone in particular. Police say if ever you have doubt, you do stop, but call 911. Nowadays you can never be to sure, this impersonator even had a uniform and unmarked patrol car!

Scary to think next time you get pulled over it may not even be by a real police officer! Just be sure to watch out for anything that might look suspicious or out of the ordinary.

CIA memo details procedures for breaking detainees

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was named a special prosecutor to probe Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) prisoner abuse cases on Monday. His discussion came after the justice departments watch dogs recommended prosecution for CIA employees and other contractors that were involved in the interrogations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The claim is that persons involved went beyond their approved limits while interrogating. According to the agencies memo the techniques use by the CIA consisted of sleep deprivation, insult slaps, dousing with water, strapping them to walls, and slamming the detainee's head against a wall(
While these where effective ways to gather information these people are still under fire, most just doing as they were told. I think this is unfair. We are supposed to be the good guys. Nobody should be penalized for doing their job they were hired to do then prosecute them for being too good at it. Have this justice Department forgot that these detainees are the same terrorist we are shooting and bombing those detainees should be happy to even be alive. If these detainees just gave up what they knew there wouldn’t even be a need for any of those harsh techniques. This CIA employee’s where doing their job so we can be safe.
Emil Gilbert

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctors Forget To Send Test Results To Patients?

Source: MSNBC

A new study, by Dr. Lawrence Casalino, reveals that one out of fourteen test results, that reveal something unnatural, are forgotten and the patient never hears the information. The study checked 23 practices across the country and 5,434 of the patient records they have. Some practices were spot on, without a blemish on their record, while others were as bad as to forget to inform a patient one-fourth of the time. The study shows that practices that use computers are more likely to forget than those that use paper and any using a hybrid of the two is even more likely to forget.

The article lists several ways to stay on track of your health records. It tells us to not wait for results too long, not accept "no news is good news", and not to believe that computers make the practice unfailable. Very good advice. You will benefit from making sure that you get your health information properly. Don't hold out and don't accept a lack of news as good. Remember, it's your life that could be on the line.

FBI puts suspects Face on billboard

The FBI is searching for a suspect that has robbed over ten banks across the south. His bank robberies have spread more than 600 miles north from Charleston, NC to Louisville, KY, and about 500 miles east from Knoxville, TN to Edenton, NC. This is a very unique type of situation. The man robbing the banks does not bother to cover up his face or hide his tattoos. The FBI are hoping to catch this man by putting up his pictures all over electronic billboards in the south. The robber has not yet used the gun or harmed anyone but threatens that he will. He has placed the gun in numerous tellers faces. His last bank robbery took place in Tennessee. The suspect is described as a white male about 25 years old between 5'9 and 5'11 tattoos he also has short brownish red hair and has a unshaven goatee. The FBI asked if anyone has seen this man to please call 423-282-8090.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

59 Shots To Kill One Man...


Alonzo Heyward, a thirty-two year old man, was shot to death by fifty-nine bullets, forty-three hitting their mark, by Tennessee cops after carrying a rifle around his neighborhood while proclaiming suicidal thoughts. Civil Rights leaders are concerned that excessive force was used despite claims that the officers acted correctly. Some of Heyward's relatives claim that he was lying on top of the rifle on the porch when the shooting took place.

Heyward was drunk during the incident and his relatives believe he wasn't serious about wanting to die. Alonzo's brother, James Heyward, claims that he was also upset about not being able to see his children. Witnesses, Heyward's neighbor and his girlfriend, claim he asked why they were shooting him between shots. This cannot be heard on the recording of the event that the police have.

Six cops and fifty-nine shots. Is this excessive force? District Attorney Bill Cox is waiting for the TBI report before pursuing any charges. Excessive force is a potential problem all over the U.S. It's a shame that it can't be stopped entirely.

Print Magazine Jumping to Video

In the September 18th issue of Entertainment Weekly will have ads with embedded video. CBS and PepsiCo will have true video T.V. ads in the issue of Entertainment Weekly. The video player will be embedded into the page.Only New York and L.A. subscribers will receive the issues with the technology.
The technology for the battery-powered ads was manufactured by a Los Angeles based Americhip. The player can handle about 40 minutes of video,the screen is 2.7 millimeters thick, and has a 320x240 resolution.The battery can last over a hour long and can be recharged.
Only time will tell if this can help or hurt print magazines.In a time when newspapers going bankrupt and losing revenue and subsribers and print magazines not to far behind. Will we have magazines with no real print?

Saturday mail gone?

U.S. Postal Service claim it will lose $7 billion this year. This year alone, Americans have mailed 20 billion fewer items than last year. According to the Postmaster General there may be a chance you will lose Saturday mail. Well, not lose it, but you will be receiving it on other days. John Potter has officially asked Congress to get rid of the delivery of Saturday mail. This could affect billions of Americans who love there morning Saturday paper or just a friendly letter from a family member. Many people believe e-mail is responsible for the dramatic decrease in mail items being sent on Saturdays. Whether or not they will cancel Saturday mail remains uncertain. For now, take advantage of it because there is a possibility it will be gone soon.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

IBM sees future of microchips in DNA

Microchips of the future is what they say these chips are. Now they have figured out a way to make the chips much smaller and denser, than the chips used today. This way electronics can be made for the future. The "DNA Origami" is allows for the chip to be as small as 6 nanometers and increase the storage space as well as more powerful. They want to produce the chip so that it costs less to make it. Even though its going to take about ten more years before the chip becomes available its seems like it's already a start to future technology. It may be a plus, to produce this chip, smaller and lighter, that's the goal to be able to fit most things in the palm of your hand or in your pocket.

Man carrying assault weapon attends Obama protest

In Phoenix, people protested outside a convention center that president Obama was speaking. About a dozen people that attended this protest where carrying handguns. One man that attended actually had a semi automatic rifle hanging over his shoulder. Gun-rights advocates that were protesting say they're exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest, while those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.
Arizona is an open-carry state, which means anyone legally allowed to have a firearm can carry one in public as long as it's visible. Only someone who is carrying a concealed weapon must be required to have a permit. Since nobody broke this law there or needed permits no crime was committed so no arrest were made.
Police were on standby not only to make sure President Obama and the citizens were safe, but they were also there to make sure that the protestors themselves remained unharmed as people where upset that the protesters would be able to come that close to the President with guns. Especially the man with the High powered assault rifle. The man carrying the rifle was asked why he would bring the rifle there is answer was “because I can”. (
I think that that your civil rights are a very important thing but at the same time there should be boundaries. I’m sort of glad Florida does not condone these same laws as Arizona. I know Guns are used for protection but way more innocent seem to be hurt by them. I don’t want to live in a state were just anybody could walk up into a school or any kind of function carrying a gun but it being ok because there carrying it in their hands. I would give up that right for safety hands down.
Emil Gilbert

Judge on trial after refusing to accept death row appeal

Judge Sharon Keller refusal to accept last minute filling to delay execution now has the shoe on the other foot. She is now on trial! She didn't follow the courts execution day procedures. Thus denying Michael Wayne Ricards access to open courts and rights to be heard. Around 4:40 Richards attorneys called asking for permission to turn in last minute emergency paperwork a couple minutes after 5 ( the closing time of clerks office). She replied no. On Keller's behalf she states that she was asked did the office stay open past 5pm. She knew on execution days pleading appeals have been filled after hours. Two other judges say they were willing to work late that night but were unaware that that Keller had already said no. To justify her accusation she recounts that Michael Richards was convicted of sexual assault and murder. Does that make it right?

Scholarships available for parents going back to school

Many parents would love to go back to college and get a degree but are worried that they do no have the time or money to do so. Even when they find that they do have the time they realize that they cannot afford college.
A women named Ann Marie Casey-Ulery 25 always wanted a college degree. She had to put her dreams on hold because she was having to play mommy and daddy to her 2 year old and 7 year old. Her husband was deployed to Iraq so for the past two years she has had her hands full. Casey like many other working parents finally found the time to go back to college but the funds just were not there. She applied for a scholarship called Project Working Moms.... and Dads Too!! Which she received for an online college. She is now taking online classes at Everest University and majoring in accounting.
The recipients of this scholarship received over $4 million in the last Project of Working Mom campaigns. There most recent campaign began on May 1 where they gave away $4,000 scholarships for the first 10,000 entries and this will continue through out the year.
You can apply today for the Project Working Moms....and Dads Too! scholarship online at